Say Goodbye to COVID Unemployment Boost

On September 6, we are going to see the expiration of the extra unemployment benefits that were put into place to keep out-of-work Americans afloat during the pandemic. 

At least half of the country has announced as of this summer that they will be cutting off the additional aid, which provided an extra $300 a week on top of that state’s regular unemployment benefits. 

This includes Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

The White House is still advising states with high unemployment rates to repurpose their federal relief money to extend the aid for those who are not easily able to return to work right away.

It is estimated that approximately 7.5 million workers are expected to lose this benefit, according to a recent report published by the left-leaning Century Foundation. 

The average unemployment rate between the states comes out to about $630 in weekly unemployment benefits which comes out to about $32,000; roughly double America’s minimum wage.  

It’s glaringly obvious why so many Americans don’t want to go back to work when the government is willing to line their pockets while they take advantage… 

Despite the economy’s progress of reopening, companies are still complaining that there is a lack of available workers. In contrast to the 9.2 million open jobs that are out there, there are 5.5 million unemployed Americans currently.  

GOP lawmakers were quick to call out the extra unemployment aid as the main catalyst for the lack of job growth and flatlining economic growth.

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves publicly announced his disapproval of the current economic situation our country is facing in a tweet.

Naturally, Biden and the dems are pretending like there are no problems here… 

“We don’t see much evidence [that Americans are choosing to collect unemployment rather than return to work],” Biden stated in a White House press conference “Americans want to work.”

The states that are being urged to continue some kind of additional unemployment aid, including mostly blue states such as New Mexico, Connecticut, Nevada, and New York, where the jobless rate is still above the national average of 5.4%.  

It’s clear that our Republican patriots understand what’s necessary to rebuild our economy and return it to its former glory is to get Americans back on their feet and into the workforce; while the dems are so focused on trying to baby everyone, they’re ignoring the importance of independence and the value of the American dream.

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4 Thoughts to “Say Goodbye to COVID Unemployment Boost”

  1. Jimmy Piehler

    The time is appropriate to get these fu–ing thieves out of our Whitehouse and on to the hanging trees.

  2. Trish

    It’s about time. Great decision!

  3. JJ

    The Biden administration shows every day just how stupid or maybe naive they are. Americans want to work vs drawing Free Money the government is throwing at them. American workers we the government, is going to give you more money, to chill-out during this pandemic. Now again, $32,000 a year to do absolutely nothing. I don’t know about you but every store, restaurant, etc., has had Help Wanted Signs posted for so long they are in need to be replaced. For those who can’t work, yes we need to help them and take care of them. However, if you can work get your buns back to work. I just retired at age 70 and saw a few help wanted that I may check-out they seem interesting.

  4. glenn phillips

    i’m also 71 and still working as this is what my father and mother instilled in me as i have never collected unemployment in my life, as there were some jobs i didn’t care for but it sure beat not working as i can’t imagine getting money for not working but i hope this is not the direction our country is headed, yes there are a lot of good people out there lets get this country back to working as the dem’s are doing there best to destroy this great country and if you don’t like it leave amen.

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